BIO POINT provides contactless sanitizing of your hands

Less that €0.01 per 1 serve!
Over 5000 people at one full volume of liquid!

BIO Point

Safe equipment for fast and contactless sanitizing of hands


The automatic contactless hands sanitizing device BIO Point is a gadget providing a user with fast and effective sanitizing of his hands whatever public place he visits:

  • consumer goods store
  • doorway
  • public transport junction
  • at the chemist’s or a drug store
  • at a medical centre
  • at a state institution office

Contactless sanitizing

No need to touch the gadget

Affordable cost

The device costs €950 only

Suitable for everyone

Easy to use by kids and adults

Running under the bright sun

Flawless operation of the sensor even in direct sunlight

people before next refill
seconds to serve one person
ml charge for one person
touches the gadget

Why BIO Point

Contactless processing

No need to touch equipment with a risk to be infected. The shell of the gadget is made of stainless steel.

Durable period of work

The 5 litres capacity of sanitizer provides durable and reliable work.

The highest production rate

Only 3 seconds per person will avoid crowding and close contacts.

Convenience and efficiency

Suitable for use by children and adults.

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